May 7h 2023 book launch party!

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much!” -unknown
Sunday May 7th 2023 was our official Book Launch Celebration! Launching & Celebrating the 3 Volumes of I am a Flight Attendant & That is my Superpower.
June 7th 2021 we launched our Volume 1 “I am a Flight Attendant & That is my Superpower”, than came Volume 2 in February 2022 & volume 3 launched in 2023!
Beautiful venue in the center of Montréal. 30+ authors out of 48 came by with their friends & family. A huge reunion of our aviation family who came as authors, as colleagues, as supporters & some of them with their businesses. A day engraved in my heart forever.
We celebrated together, laughed, loved & came together so we can create even more awareness to make this world a better place <3
Inspire & Empower !
All aviation themed; Boarding time, In-Flight Entertainement & In-Flight Snacks, Deplaning time & on time!
Hosted in both French & English by Flight Attendants Authors themselves; Jaime Smith & Shirley Pierre
In-Flight Entertainment by transformational comedian Jaime Smith
In-Flight Snacks by Fika Végane owner Sarah Bourbonnais
Video by Flight Attendant Author Divya Sawhney
Video presentation at the event created by Karina V Gonzalez ( donation )
Photograph by Marilise Arseneault
Photograph by HeavensVisual
PhotoBooth by CharlyBooth
Ballons Creation by creations_ballonssvj
Coffee donation by McDonalds (thank you Sarah Chamberland)
So many donations of items for our raffle ticket where 50% of profit went to Suicide Prevention!
Superpowered businesses with their products & services
Superpower Pierre Pietro Mancini for your lead & volunteer time
Thank you to all our volunteers present !
Thank you event coordinator Marie-Fée Sanchez !
We donated 526.24$ for AQPS thank you Mélissa Bérubé & Azadée Bolzinger for being with us.
Thank you to Air Canada Foundation who generously contributed with a donation of a large tote bag filled with travel items. We also had the gift of having two brand ambassadors provide us with the extra care & class customer service like found onboard a flight.
Congratulate every author who poured their heart & soul into these books & were present with us on this extra special day . Much more to come!
See you soon & remember: “No one is you & that is your Superpower” -unknown
Always with love, jessica dsb
Author Get-Together September 11th 2022
Celebrating each other is at up most of importance. "Stay close to those who feel like sunshine"
“Follow your dreams” -unknown
An important memorable day for the aviation industry; on September 11, 2001, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks were carried out. The attacks involved the hijacking of four commercial airplanes. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people, including passengers and crew members on the planes, as well as first responders and civilians in the buildings and surrounding areas. The attacks had a profound impact on global politics and much more. The aftermath of the attacks also brought about significant changes in security and policy both within the U.S. and internationally. The date, September 11, is now widely known as “9/11” and is remembered as a tragic and pivotal event in modern history.
Let’s take a moment where we came from & what we have gone through. Flight Attendants are resilient & as the leader of the book series, creating a space for us to come together was mandatory.
Thank you to our incredible Superpower sponsor Kossi Awoutey who made this event happen with the generosity of IA Brossard. Thank you to our Superpower sponsor Karina Olivier who was present at our event to support. Thank you Fika Végane for the delicious food as always. Thank you Marilise Arseneault for our beautiful pictures. Thank you to all our Superpower Authors who came, celebrated, helped and contributed to the event! Without all of you none of this would be possible; LIKE NONE!
Thank you Mélissa Bérube from AQPS for being present with us, as a group we were able to generously give 1120$ to the foundation for Suicide Prevention.
World Suicide Prevention Day September 10th 2021
“The world is a better place with you in it” -unknown
World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on September 10th every year to raise awareness about suicide and promote efforts to prevent it. The day aims to spread awareness about the factors that contribute to suicide, reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues, and provide resources for those who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings.
On this day, us authors came together for an event, discussions, and activities that focus on mental health, suicide prevention, and offering support to those in need. The hope is that by raising awareness and promoting open conversations, more people will seek help and more lives can be saved.
With Volume 1 I am a Flight Attendant & That is my Superpower we were able to donate 1390.50$ to the Suicide Prevention Association of Québec.
Thank you to Mélissa Bérubé from AQPS for organizing the venue with the generosity of Hotel 10 Montréal in room 2116 where Dédé Fortin stayed. If you do not know his story, please look it up on the internet.
Thank you to the wonderful authors who came on this memorable day, supporting the cause. Thank you to my sweetheart Kossi for your support & dedications to us & the cause. Thank you to Marilise Arseneault for the wonderful pictures.
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings, it’s important to reach out for help. Many countries have helplines, crisis intervention services, and mental health resources available. If you are in Canada please call 1.833.456.4566.
Remember that you don’t have to go through this alone – there are people who care and want to support you.
Always with love, jessica dsb
LAUNCH PARTY VOL.1. August 15th 2021 Summer Author Celebration
“Stay close to those who feel like sunshine”-unknown
It was with great honor & privilege that we were able to come together to celebrate each other in the summer of 2021; to celebrate Volume 1 & 2 of I am a Flight Attendant & That is my Superpower. The bonds that we have created since the launch of these beautiful books are unbreakable and will last a lifetime.
Thank you to each author who came to our celebration and every other author who was with us from a distance. It was a memorable day!
Big Shout out to our Sponsors;
Valerie Denis IG @vdenis1 who immortalized this moment in pictures!
Sarah Bourbonnais from Fika Végane IG @umamififthtaste who created the most delicious fresh vegan bites!
Tasha Purple IG @mauvemtl who created the perfect venue set-up for us to enjoy!
Always with love, jessica dsb